£25 for 30 minutes

£40 for 60 minutes

£65 for 90 minutes

Deep tissue massage uses slow, firm strokes and pressure to ease and release tension deep in your muscles. Deep tissue massage does what it says ‘on the tin’ – it is a massage technique that works on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. Similar to Swedish massage, deep tissue massage uses slower and firmer strokes and pressure than other treatments – deep finger pressure that concentrates on particular areas, and follows or goes across the fibres of muscles and tendons.


£25 for 30 minutes

£40 for 60 minutes

£65 for 90 minutes

Lymphatic Massage techniques are the lightest of all massages, working only the superficial layers of tissue. The warmth generated from the massage will help the client relax. Lymphatic massage increases the blood flow to the skin helping to improve any mild skin conditions.

The light movements are designed to improve the lymphatic drainage system which in turn will remove any toxins within the body. The stroking movements in this massage are designed to reduce stress and tension within the body. Lymphatic drainage is a delicate form of massage that stimulates the body’s lymphatic system, improving the metabolism as well as helping the body to eliminate waste and toxins providing a boost to the immune system. Due to the light strokes, lymphatic massage is intended to encourage the natural circulation of the lymph through the body. It is especially useful to people who lead sedentary lifestyles, or those who want to reduce puffiness or swelling.

It has been cited as having a positive effect on problem skin, cellulite, dysfunctional respiratory systems and people with low energy.


£25 for 30 minutes

£40 for 60 minutes

£65 for 90 minutes

Sports Massage helps the body recover from the stresses of strenuous exercise, and facilitates the rebuilding phase of conditioning. The physiological benefits of massage include improved blood and lymph circulation, muscle relaxation, and general relaxation. These, in turn, lead to removal of waste products and better cell nutrition, normalisation and greater elasticity of tissues, deactivation of trigger points, and faster healing of injuries. It all adds up to relief from soreness and stiffness, better flexibility, and less potential for future injury.
In addition to general recovery, sports massage may also focus on specific muscles used in a sport or fitness activity. For example, areas of greater stress for runners and dancers are in the legs, for swimmers in the upper body, for tennis players in the arms. These areas are more likely to be tight, lose flexibility, and develop trigger points.


£25 for 30 minutes

£40 for 60 minutes

£65 for 90 minutes

Swedish Massage involves a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones, and rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart. The main purpose of Swedish Massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. Swedish massage feels good, it is relaxing and invigorating. It affects the nerves, muscles, glands, and circulation, while promoting health and well-being.

Swedish massage is the original massage technique involving a sequence of movements working superficially and deeper into the tissue layers. The skin’s natural functions will be stimulated improving the condition of the skin and the warmth created will help relax the body physically and mentally.

The movements are designed to work the soft tissue deeply and help to relieve tension promoting deep relaxation in the tissues and muscles. Swedish massage can also be used to reduce muscle spasms, pain and tension as well as increasing the blood circulation and mobility and reducing feelings of anxiety.